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Learn Wilderness First Aid with the Fieldcraft Academy

The Fieldcraft Academy is an authorized training and testing facility of the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI), and provides the full scope of courses in Wilderness and Remote First Aid. All participants who successfully complete all course requirements receive a two year certification in Wilderness First Aid.
The Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) has also partnered with the Boy Scouts of America as the authorized provider of Wilderness First Aid training for all BSA units preparing for High Adventure activities and treks.
The Fieldcraft Academy is also proud to be an authorized training facility for the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma and US Department of Defense "Stop The Bleed" course.
Be sure to sign up for the Fieldcraft Medical e-mail blast to receive information on upcoming courses and locations.

Fieldcraft Academy WFA Courses

The Levels of First Aid Kits and the Components
From the Personal First Aid Kit to the Field Trauma Kit, the components of each kit are listed with a checklist. The list describes the different levels of treatment that each kit allows, and the type of care.
The components of each kit also reflect the level of knowledge and training recommended for proper, responsible utilization of the kit.

The Personal First Aid Kit

This basic kit contains the essential first aid items that should be carried on every field outing.
With this kit, you can treat abrasions, minor lacerations, burns, insect stings and bites, and immobilize minor muscloskeletal injuries.
This kit is intended for Self-Aid.

download the PFAK checklist

The Team First Aid Kit

The Team kit contains equipment needed to provide care for Team members on field outings.
With this kit, you can treat more complex injuries in addition to simple injuries. It contains a wound care module and also contains items for the immobilization and treatment of orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries.
This kit is intended for Buddy-Aid.

download the TFAK checklist

download the Wound Care Module checklist

The Field Trauma Kit

The Field Trauma kit contains equipment needed to provide care for severe injuries.
This kit is to treat injuries under the MARCH protocol. This kit is a stand alone kit intended to treat major life threatening injuries. It is recommended that anyone carrying this kit has the training and knowledge to use the kit components responsibily.
This kit is intended for Traumatic Injuries only.

download the FTK checklist

Fieldcraft Academy Skill Sheets

Downloadable skill sheets that detail many of the skills presented at the Fieldcraft Academy

how to tie the tautline hitch
how to tie the clove hitch

how to tie two half hitch
how to tie the bowline

how to tie the marlinspike hitch
how to tie the Yosemite Bowline

how to tie the tripod lash
how to tie the square lash

determine direction using the watch method
determine direction using the shadowtip method

the meaning of map colors
how to use a map and compass

techniques for field measure
techniques for orienting a map

Check out the recipes that will be demonstrated during the Fieldcraft Cooking courses,
and information on cooking kits, camp stoves, preparation and cooking techniques in the
* Fieldcraft Academy camp cooking section *

Get the same reference card sets used in the Fieldcraft Academy survival and field cooking courses,
and save 20% on your order. Click the banner above.

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